Donating your gently used instruments to The Heart of Jazz is an important act of generosity and support for the future of jazz music. By providing children with access to high-quality instruments, we can enable them to develop their musical abilities and explore the genre more fully. This not only benefits the individual child, but also contributes to the preservation and continuation of jazz as a genre. By supporting the education of young musicians, donors play a vital role in keeping jazz alive and accessible to future generations. Additionally, access to instruments and music education can have a positive impact on a child's personal development and can help foster creativity, self-expression, and critical thinking skills. Overall, your donation is an investment in the future of the genre and in the personal and intellectual growth of young musicians.

Please note: A "gently used instrument" is a musical instrument that has been previously owned and played, but is still in good condition and functions properly. It may have some signs of wear, but is still fully functional and in good shape. "Gently used" is meant to indicate that the instrument has been well-cared for and has not been subjected to significant damage, wear, or misuse.

Instrument Donation Submission Form

Instrument Donation Submission Form